norm + ardis | sneak peek | kerensa leigh

my uncle wed his beautiful bride ardis at minter gardens and love was in the air:)

here are a few shots from the day with a full post coming another day…

ardis was accompanied by her two daughters, two grandaughters and one of her grandsons

her eldest two grandsons played beautifully for her grand entrance

norm + ardis | white rock engagement | kerensa leigh

most people feel lucky to find love once in their life…norm and ardis have found it twice:) having both lost a spouse to cancer these two had common ground off the bat. but their love goes way deeper than this connection.

i have had the pleasure of watching my uncle norm fall in love with ardis and the joy that lights his eyes is contagious! these two are like teenagers with their giddiness, always holding hands and you get the feeling that something is missing when you are with just one of this pair:)

white rock holds a special place for both of them so it was the obvious choice when it came to choosing a location for their e-session


whip it up wednesday | recipes | kerensa leigh

sweet tooth anyone??

i found this recipe off of pinterest as well…i’m not a huge cupcake fan but these looked really good. they were extremely sweet. the cupcake itself was really good but the icing was over the top sugar…so if that’s what you’re into then you definitely need to try these.

for the recipe go to

marriage on mondays | perspective | kerensa leigh

so i had the pleasure of hanging out with some of my bestest girl friends the other night and in usual fashion we talked about our kids, our husbands, our jobs…we reminisced about old times and how we met and fell in love with our Mr. Right’s. one of my girls made this mind blowing comment …”you have to first be Mrs. Right if you expect Mr. Right to notice you”

*gasp* so if you’re sitting at home wondering when you’ll ever meet “the one” maybe you first need to find out what that means to YOU! it’s different for everyone, that’s why my Mr Right isn’t right for someone else.

after dating a few guys who were Mr Wrong,i decided to sit down and really think about the attritbutes that were important to me. i saved it in my bible for what felt like a long time…and the guys i dated after that were all measured up to this list…

1. must love the Lord     2. must love his mother    3.  family had to be important to him   4. he had to have a sense of humor   5. he had to show me respect ALWAYS  6. he had to be compassionate   7. he had to want children    8. he must have direction in his life   9. he should be attractive:)   10. he had to be loyal 11. he had fit in with my family

some guys would have a couple of items on the list but that wasn’t good enough for me so i decided to stop looking for him and focus on myself. i needed to find importance in my life that didn’t revolve around a man. i needed to be confident in who i was, what i believed in, and where i saw my life going. this was no easy task, when my lifeplan in highschool was to be married at 21 and start having kids at 23 and here i was…my 21st birthday fast approaching and i hadn’t even met someone who measured up let alone planning a wedding, but i was surprisingly calm about it (at times:) i was having fun with my friends, i was getting involved in my church and gaining confidence in who i was.

so when i met adam on my 21st birthday, i thought…well he’s cute, he has a sense of humor and he seemed really nice so after a month of him calling i decided to go on a date! as the months progressed i realized that he had all of the attributes on my list…we have been blessed with 8 happy years of marriage, two beautiful children and i am so happy that i waited for Mr Right to come my way instead of settling for Mr. Wrong.

if you are still waiting for Mr Right, i would encourage you to first know who you are and become the woman you are supposed to be so that when he walks into your life you will be ready for him:)

i’d love to hear your thoughts…

marriage on monday | perspective| kerensa leigh

so my blog has been neglected lately and that is because i have been researching other blogsite as its time to improve the look and feel of my site…so i’m sorry for not being very present…

but that’s not the reason for this post, it has been on my heart lately to start writing more about life after the wedding day and i’d love to hear feedback or questions from you and my hope is that we can share perspectives and opinions on issues of marriage and relationships, you’ll probably get some insight into my own marriage and how it’s grown and changed over the past 8 and a half years, adding two kids into the mix and how that has altered our relationship and switched our priorities!

so my first installment will arrive late on monday but i will strive to get these to you earlier in the day next week!

i just finished reading “heart of the matter”  by emily giffen and this except really spoke to me about the reality of relationships… “i nod, thinking of how difficult marriage can be, how much effort is required to sustain a feeling between two people – a feeling that you can’t imagine will ever fade in the beginning when everything comes so easily. i think of how each person in a marriage owes it to the other to find individual happiness, even in a shared life. that this is the only real way to grow together, instead of apart.”

with so many marriages ending in divorce i truly believe that is a very important concept for every couple to embrace. yes, it’s important to have shared interests but it’s equally important to have interests that are you own that can define who you are as a person and not ____”s wife.

so what i’d love to hear from all my peeps is what are your shared interests and what is just yours? do you feel having seperate interests strengthens your relationship? or do you disagree?

i can’t wait to get some feedback from anyone who reads this blog:)



shaun and jess | chilliwack wedding photography | kerensa leigh

i was very excited when i heard that this wedding was going to include a helicopter!!! it’s not everyday that you get to get close to one, and i love fun and unique ideas when it comes to weddings! i was second shooting with ashley again and didn’t know that i actually knew the groom till he sauntered out of the helicopter. shaun and i went to highschool together and he was always such a nice guy so i am really happy that he has found such a great girl to marry:)

derrick + chrystal | minter gardens wedding | kerensa leigh

thank you to angela at type A photography for once again asking me to 2nd shoot with her. we met at harrison hot springs, where the girls were getting ready, we got some great detail shots outside and then drove to minter gardens to get some shots of the guys. there was alot of driving this day as we had to go back to harrison to finish up with the girls.

there had been some dragon boat races at harrison on this beautiful day so on our way back to minter we got stuck in some really bad traffic. luckily it was the bride who was late cuz you can’t start a wedding without her:) the ceremony was beautiful as were the happy couple! after some family shots we walked around the beautiful minter gardens with the bridal party and the bride was able to relax and get into the groove of pictures. due to everything being off timing wise, they were able to push the reception time a bit for us and we were able to get alot of great photos.

i hope you enjoy the following…

kurt + laura | new westminster wedding photography | sneak peek | kerensa leigh

so kurt and laura were married this past saturday, oct 1st and when i woke up and looked outside it was so foggy i couldn’t see the mountains, i thought for sure we would be faced with rain but i think i felt only a few drops after the ceremony. we went to laura’s moms place in new west for photos and the rain never came 🙂 here are a few of my fav’s from the day with much more to come later…

happy honeymoon:)

scot + sandy | white rock wedding full post | kerensa leigh

so after a rather large wait i have the full day of scot + sandy’s wedding day up on the blog. the album has been designed and after some glitches due to hurricane irene i have the album ordered and is being put together as we speak and should be in my hands in a few weeks:) thanks to the great staff at beau photo for helping me through the glitch:)